Algoritme Kritpografi RSA Menggunakan Algoritme Schönhage-Strassen
The RSA algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a public key cryptographic algorithm used in the process of encrypting symmetric cryptographic keys or private keys. The RSA algorithm relies on the difficulty of finding a large number to factor into prime factors. The RSA algorithm has a slower speed than the symmetric cryptographic algorithm, this means that the multiplication process of the numbers used is very large, more than 1024-bits. The number multiplication process requires special algorithms such as Montgomerry, Karatsuba, and Chinese Remainders. Based on this problem, this research attempts to develop an RSA algorithm library that uses the Schönhage-Strassen algorithm. The library will be developed using the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) methodology and the RAD (Ravid Application Development) method. After the library can be developed, the library will be tested with other multiplication algorithms, namely, Montgomerry, Karatsuba, and Chinese Remainder. The test results from this study have different values, where the Schönhage-Strassen algorithm has good performance, but not on all key variants.
Keywords: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman; multiplication; Schönhage-Strassen; Software Development Life Cycle; Ravid Application Development.
Algoritme RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) merupakan algoritme kriptografi kunci publik yang digunakan pada proses enkripsi kunci kriptografi simetris atau kunci privat. Algoritme RSA mengandalkan sulitnya mencari factor bilangan yang besar menjadi factor-faktor prima. Algoritme RSA memiliki kecepatan yang lebih lambat daripada algoritme kriptografi simetris, hal tersebut proses multiplication bilangan-bilangan yang digunakan sangat besar lebih dari 1024-bit. Proses multiplication bilangan membutuhkan algoritme-algortime khusus seperti Montgomerry, Karatsuba, dan Chinese Remainders. Berdasarkan pada masalah itu penelitian ini mencoba mngembangkan library algoritme RSA yang menggunakan algoritme Schönhage-Strassen. Library akan dikembangkan menggunakan metodologi SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) dan metode RAD (Ravid Application Development). Setelah library dapat dikembangkan, library akan dilakukan pengujian tingkat eksekusi waktu dengan algoritme multiplication lainya yaitu, Montgomerry, Karatsuba, dan Chinese Remainder. Hasil pengujian dari penelitian ini memiliki nilai yang berbeda-beda, dimana algoritme Schönhage-Strassen memiliki kinerja yang baik, namun tidak pada semua varian kunci.
Kata Kunci: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman; Multiplication; Schönhage-Strassen; Software Development Life Cycle; Ravid Application Development.
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