Aplikasi Pemantauan Wilayah Setempat Imunisasi Bayi Berbasis Web
ABSTRACT The recording system for activities and Immunization reports at the North Tapin Health Center which has been running all this time still uses the conventional method of recording immunization data in assistive books at each Pustu, Posyandu, Polindes and Puskesdes service units. Data from the auxiliary books submitted to the Puskesmas are then re-recorded by the Puskesmas staff into infant cohort books or toddler cohort books, the data is added and entered again into Local Area Monitoring (PWS) using Microsoft Excel based on the regular sequence number and no unique code, if less carefully, there will be an error in inputting immunization report data. The proposed system design is a web-based application so that in addition to immunization data can be directly inputted from each auxiliary unit, the application can also cope with the length of the process of data distribution and reduce data duplication. The results of testing using user acceptance show that the design of local area monitoring applications for infant immunization can help in data collection of immunizations and search for immunization data more quickly and accurately. Keywords: Web Based Applications, Infant Immunization, Community Health Centers
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