Model Penunjang Keputusan Pemberian Bantuan Modal Usaha Pertanian Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Weighted Product

Fajri Fajri(1*),Masniah Masniah(2)
(1) STMIK Banjarbaru
(2) STMIK Banjarbaru
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v6i1.240



Dalam proses pemberian bantuan kepada kelompok tani di wilayah Dinas Pertanian Kota Banjarbaru, dilakukan sistem pemberian bantuan berdasarkan kelompok tani yang lebih dahulu mengajukan proposal, sehingga terjadi kurang tepatnya pemberian bantuan modal.

Suatu aplikasi yang membantu mencatat dan mendokumentasikan proses pemberian bantuan berdasarkan metode Weighted Product (WP) yang Web dapat membantu proses pemberian bantuan menjadi lebih objektif dan pelaporan menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.

Berdasarkan hasil kuisioner yang diberikan kepada 5 responden, menghasilkan jawaban dengan sangat setuju sebesar 40%, jawaban dengan setuju sekali 40%, dan jawaban setuju 20%, serta berdasarkan perhitungan reliabilitas didapat alpha cronbach senilai 0,928.

Kata Kunci: Kelompok Tani, Weighted Product, Pemberian Bantuan.


Abstrack      In the process of providing assistance to farmer groups in the Banjarbaru City Agricultural Service area, a system of assistance is provided based on the farmer group that submits the proposal first, resulting in the lack of proper capital assistance.            An application that helps record and document the relief process based on Weighted Product (WP) methods that the Web can help the process of providing assistance becomes more objective and reporting becomes easier and faster.

            Based on the results of questionnaires given to 5 respondents, yielded the answer with strongly agree by 40%, answer with agreed once 40%, and answer agreed 20%, and based on calculation reliability obtained alpha cronbach worth 0.928.

Keywords: Farmer Group, Weighted Product, Providing Assistance.


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