Evaluasi Tingkat Kesuksesan Penerapan Aplikasi Hybrid Learning Perguruan Tinggi Menggunakan Model DeLone Dan McLean

Haryanto Tanuwijaya(1*)
(1) Dinamika University
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i2.911


The evaluation of the implementation moodle-based Hybrid Learning applications has not carry out at a private computer college (PTSK) in Surabaya. This leads the difficulty to make decisions regarding application development because the success factors and weaknesses of the Hybrid Learning application are currently unknown. This study proposes the DeLone and McLean method to evaluate the implementation of Hybrid Learning applications in PTSK through six variables, namely: system quality, information quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction, and net benefits. As the Delone and McLean Model has multiple dimensions, data processing has been utilized by Structural Equation Modeling which could be able to confirm the certain model. In addition, this model can verify the effect of a variable on other variables. The primary data used was collected by questionnaire and processed using AMOS and SPSS software applications. The results of this study show the success level of implementing the Hybrid Learning application in PTSK has a great score that was defined by the six factors on the model.  Nevertheless, the Service Quality factor needs rectification in order to enhance User Satisfaction and Use factor for users to obtain the maximum Net Benefit.

Keywords: Success Level; Application; Hybrid Learning; DeLone and McLean, Structural Equation Modeling 


Abstrak. Belum adanya evaluasi penerapan aplikasi hybrid learning berbasis moodle pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta bidang Komputer (PTSK) di Surabaya menyebabkan sulitnya pengambilan keputusan terkait pengembangan aplikasi tersebut. Hal ini karena tidak diketahui faktor penentu kesuksesan serta kekurangan aplikasi hybrid learning yang diterapkan.  Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode DeLone dan McLean  untuk mengevaluasi penerapan aplikasi hybrid learning di PTSK di Surabaya melalui enam faktor: system quality, information quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction, dan net benefit. Metode Structural Equation Modeling digunakan untuk mengonfirmasi ketepatan model dan menguji pengaruh suatu variabel terhadap variabel lain. Data primer  yang digunakan dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan diolah dengan perangkat lunak AMOS dan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kesuksesan penerapan aplikasi hybrid learning di PTSK dinilai baik, ditunjukkan dengan nilai baik pada keenam faktor pada model. Namun demikian, perlu perbaikan pada faktor Service Quality untuk meningkatkan User Satisfaction, dan faktor Use agar pengguna merasakan Net Benefit secara maksimal.

Kata Kunci: Tingkat Kesuksesan; Aplikasi; Hybrid Learning; DeLone dan McLean, Structural Equation Modeling


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