Model Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Kredit Berbasis Web pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam

I Wayan Arya Wiguna(1),I Gede Putu Krisna Juliharta(2*),Nengah Widya Utami(3)
(1) STMIK Primakara
(2) STMIK Primakara
(3) STMIK Primakara
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i1.819


Abstrak. Sistem permohonan peminjaman kredit yang sedang berjalan pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Tri Gunartha Werdhi Banjar Ubud Kelod masih dikelola secara manual, dimana pemohon datang langsung ke kantor perusahaan sehingga pemrosesan permohonan menjadi tidak efisien. Proses pengambilan keputusan pemberian pinjaman juga belum dilakukan secara terkomputerisasi sehingga hasil keputusan dikhawatirkan menjadi tidak konisten. Paper ini menyajikan model aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan berbasis Web dengan menggunakan metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) untuk mendukung kinerja manajemen koperasi dalam menilai kelayakan pemberian pinjaman kredit secara konsisten kepada anggota. Pengembangan sistem mengikuti tahapan-tahapan dalam metode Waterfall. Desain sistem menggunakan tools desain terstruktur, sedangkan implementasi desain menggunakan aplikas Visual Studio Code untuk membuat Web berbasis PHP dan database MySql. Hasil uji BlackBox menunjukkan fitur-fitur fungsional aplikasi telah valid memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna, berupa fitur pendataan anggota, transaksi pengajuan pinjaman, proses simulasi pemberian kredit berbasis SAW, transaksi setoran/pembayaran anggota, daftar Anggota, serta riwayat setoran/pembayaran anggota. Sistem juga dapat menyajikan keputusan pemberian pinjaman kredit secara konsisten.

Kata Kunci: Pengajuan pinjaman kredit; Jasa simpan pinjam; Keputusan; Simple Additive Weighting


Abstract. The credit loan application system that is currently running at the Tri Gunartha Werdhi Banjar Ubud Kelod Multipurpose Cooperative is still managed manually, where the applicant comes directly to the company office so that the application processing becomes inefficient. The decision-making process for granting loans has also not been carried out computerized so that the results of the decisions are feared to be inconsistent. This paper presents a Web-based Decision Support System application model using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method to support cooperative management performance in assessing the feasibility of providing credit loans consistently to members. System development follows the stages in the Waterfall method. The system design uses structured design tools, while the design implementation uses Visual Studio Code applications to create PHP-based Web and MySQL databases. The results of the BlackBox test show that the functional features of the application have been valid to meet user needs, in the form of member data collection features, loan application transactions, SAW-based credit granting simulation processes, member deposit/payment transactions, member lists, and member deposit/payment history. The system can also provide credit lending decisions consistently.

Keywords: Credit loan application; savings and loan services; decisions; Simple Additive Weighting


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