Rancangan Sistem Informasi Pengaduan Masyarakat Berbasis Web Pada Kantor Kecamatan Dengan Fitur Notifikasi Telegram

Asep Zaenudin(1*),Yuda Syahidin(2)
(1) Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
(2) Politeknik Piksi Ganesha
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i1.812


Abstrak. Sistem pengaduan yang masih berjalan secara manual berkaitan dengan layanan masyarakat di Kecamatan Banjaran, tidak efisien karena masyarakat harus datang langsung ke kantor Kecamatan. Deskripsi pengaduan yang masih dicatatkan pada buku juga berpotensi tercecer sebelum perkara pengaduan telah diselesaikan. Tujuan studi ini untuk membuat rancangan sistem informasi pengaduan masyarakat berbasis Web yang di harapkan dapat membantu mengefesienkan kinerja petugas dan masyarakat dalam menyampaikan dan menangani pengaduan. Sistem di rancang dengan mengunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP Native dan Bootstrap. Metode pengembangan sistem mengunakan metode Waterfall. Fitur-fitur fungsional aplikasi berupa identitas masyarakat yang, pengajuan aduan, status pengaduan, serta rekaman proses dan layanan informasi bagi manajemen organisasi diuji dengan teknik pengujian Black Box. Hasil Pengujian menunjukan fitur-fitur fungsional aplikasi telah valid dan dapat membantu petugas mengolah data dan menyajikan informasi pengaduan kepada pihak manajemen organisasi, serta mempermudah masyarakat mengajukan dan memantau proses pengaduan melalui notifikasi Telegram.

Kata KunciAplikasi layanan pengaduan; Waterfall; Bootstrap; Pengujian Black Box


Abstract. The complaint system, which is still running manually related to community services in Banjaran District, is inefficient because the community has to come directly to the district office. The description of the complaint that is still recorded in the book also has the potential to be scattered before the complaint case has been resolved. The purpose of this study is to design a Web-based public complaint information system that is expected to help streamline the performance of officers and the public in submitting and handling complaints. The system is designed using the PHP Native and Bootstrap programming languages. The system development method uses the Waterfall method. Functional features of the application in the form of community identity, filing of complaints, status of complaints, as well as recording of processes and information services for organizational management were tested using the Black Box testing technique. The test results show that the functional features of the application are valid and can help officers process data and present complaint information to the organization's management, as well as make it easier for the public to submit and monitor the complaint process through Telegram notifications.

Keywords: Complaint service application; Waterfall; Bootstrap; Black Box Testing


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