Model Sistem Informasi Pendistribusian Daging Berbasis Web Pada Kepanitiaan Ibadah Kurban

Heldiansyah Heldiansyah(1*),Novi Shintia(2),Rustaniah Rustaniah(3),Muchtar Salim(4)
(1) Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
(2) Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
(3) Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
(4) Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i1.801


Abstrak. Kegiatan pendistribusian daging hewan kurban kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dengan memberikan secara langsung menyebabkan terjadinya kontak erat antara panitia dan warga masyarakat. Di sisi lain, kontak fisik antara orang dalam suatu aktivitas sedapat mungkin diminimalkan pada masa pandemi Covid 19 sebagai upaya meminimalkan risiko penyebarannya. Selain itu, panitia perlu mengontrol persediaan daging agar sesuai dengan jumlah penerima yang berhak menerimanya. Artikel ini mengusulkan model sistem informasi pendistribusian daging hewan kurban berbasis Web untuk meminimalkan kontak langsung antar warga masyarakat, dan mengontrol persediaan daging. Pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode prototype. Sistem berbasis Web memungkinkan panitia membagikan kupon elektronik secara online, dimana kupon elektronik dilengkapi QRCode. Verifikasi kupon dilakukan dengan cara scan QRCode sehingga mengurangi resiko kontak langsung. Sistem juga mencatat pengurangan persediaan secara otomatis sehingga dapat mengetahui sisa persediaan secara riel time dengan mudah. Hasil uji Black Box menunjukkan fitur-fitur fungsional pada sistem aplikasi telah valid dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna.

Kata kunci: Kupon elektronik; QR Code; Persediaan


Abstract. The distribution of sacrificial animal meat to the community which is carried out by giving directly causes close contact between the committee and community members. On the other hand, physical contact between people in an activity is minimized as much as possible during the Covid 19 pandemic in an effort to minimize the risk of spreading it. In addition, the committee needs to control the stock of meat to match the number of recipients who are entitled to receive it. This article proposes a Web-based model of an information system for the distribution of sacrificial animal meat to minimize direct contact between members of the community, and control meat supplies. System development using the prototype method. The Web-based system allows the committee to distribute electronic coupons online, where the electronic coupons are equipped with a QRCode. Coupon verification is done by scanning the QR Code, thereby reducing the risk of direct contact. The system also records inventory reductions automatically so that it can find out the remaining inventory in real time easily. The results of the Black Box test show that the functional features of the application system are valid and in accordance with user needs.

Keywords: Electronic Coupon; QR Code; Inventory


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