Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Nusabalitour Berbasis Website

I Kadek Agus Virgo Wahyudi(1*),I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya Putra(2),Bagus Putu Wahyu Nirmala(3)
(1) STMIK Primakara
(2) STMIK Primakara
(3) STMIK Primakara
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v8i2.346


Abstrak. Bisnis di bidang tour travel semakin berkembang saat ini dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi. Selama ini, pelanggan melakukan pemesanan melalui telepon atau datang langsung ke tour travel, sehingga staff tour travel harus mengelola banyak data transaksi secara manual dengan kertas. Hal lain seperti kesibukan orang perkotaan, kemacetan lalu lintas di kota menyebabkan pelanggan kesulitan, malas untuk datang langsung ke tour travel. Selain itu, banyaknya pelanggan yang datang ke tour travel mengakibatkan resiko kesalahan yang tinggi dalam transaksi. Sedangkan pemesanan melalui telepon beresiko ketidakakuratan data karena salah penulisan oleh staff. Dengan aplikasi Nusabalitour berbasis website mampu memfasilitasi wisatawan agar lebih mudah dalam pemesanan paket tour khusus ke Nusa Penida secara real time. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem aplikasi ini menggunakan metodologi SDLC (system development life cycle). Aplikasi Nusabalitour dibuat dengan menggunakan framework Codeigniter. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan kepada 27 user/wisatawan dan didapatkan hasil bahwa 77% menyatakan setuju sistem informasi Nusabalitour dapat membantu user/wisatawan dalam mem-booking paket wisata secara real time. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Codeigniter, SDLC, Tour Travel, Nusa Penida

Abstract.  Businesses in the field of tour travel are increasingly developing today with the advancement of technology. During this time, customers make reservations by telephone or come directly to travel tours, so travel tour staff must manage a lot of transaction data manually with paper. Other things such as busy urban people, traffic congestion in the city causes customers difficulties, lazy to come directly to travel tours. In addition, the large number of customers who come to travel tours results in a high risk of errors in transactions. While ordering by telephone is at risk of inaccurate data due to a typo by the staff. With the Nusbalitour application based on website, it is able to facilitate tourist to be easier in booking special tour packages to Nusa Penida in real time. The methodology used in designing this application system uses the SDLC methodology (system development life cycle). Nusabalitour application is created using the Codeigniter framework. Application testing was carried out on 27 users / tourists and it was found that 77% agreed that the Nusabalitour information system could help users / travelers to book tour packages in real time. Keywords: Information Systems, Codeigniter, SDLC, Tour Travel, Nusa Penida


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