ABSTRACT The lack of knowledge of medical personnel (not experts) in a health clinic about gastrointestinal disease is feared to have an error in diagnosing gastrointestinal disease patients in an emergency situation because the expert is not always in place when needed. The expert system to diagnose gastrointestinal disease is an expert system designed as a tool for officers to diagnose gastrointestinal disease. The knowledge base of the system is derived from a variety of sources including experts on gastrointestinal diseases, books related to gastrointestinal disease. Information generated from expert systems built is the name of the disease, the accompanying symptoms, the solution, and the probability value of the disease. The test results of 20 cases of the disease tested showed that the system model that was built, 100% can make a proper diagnosis (in accordance with the result of expert deen). Keywords: Expert System, Bayesian Theorem, Gastrointestinal Disease
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