Analisis Perencanaan Strategis Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi PT. SAC Nusantara Menggunakan Metode Ward and Peppard

Anggi Maulina(1*),Tristyanti Yusnitasari(2)
(1) Universitas Gunadarma
(2) Universitas Gunadarma
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v13i1.1919


The lack of utilization of Information systems/Information technology (IS/IT) at PT SAC Nusantara is causing several problems, including the need to transfer data through storage media, excess material in the logistics section, inefficiency in monitoring project progress, reliance on manual Microsoft Office reports, and frequent data input errors leading to inaccurate data. In order to improve business processes and increase competitiveness, it is crucial to develop IS/IT strategic planning to identify the key factors for IS/IT development. This research utilized the Ward and Peppard method along with Value Chain tools to map out the activities involved in business processes. Additionally, Porter's Five Force and PEST were used to analyze the political, economic, social, and technological environments. SWOT analysis was employed to identify opportunities and mitigate threats, while the McFarlan Portfolio was used to classify IS applications based on their contribution to the organization. The research resulted in a strategic planning design for IS/IT, including IS business strategy, IT strategy, IS/IT management strategy, future application portfolio, and a three-year implementation plan.

Keywords: Strategic Planning of System and Technology Information; Ward and Peppard; Value Chain; Porter’s Five Force; SWOT


Kurangnya pemanfaatan SI/TI (Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi) di PT SAC Nusantara menyebabkan permasalahan yaitu transfer data masih melalui media penyimpanan, bagian logistik sering mengalami kelebihan material, kurangnya efisiensi monitoring progres proyek, penyajian laporan masih menggunakan Microsoft Office dan sering terjadi kesalahan input data sehingga data kurang akurat yang dapat menghambat manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan. Untuk memperbaiki proses bisnis dan meningkatkan daya saing, perlu adanya perencanaan strategis SI/TI agar perusahaan mengetahui faktor penting dalam mengembangkan SI/TI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ward and Peppard dan menggunakan tools Value Chain untuk memetakan aktivitas yang terlibat dalam proses bisnis, Porter's Five Force dan PEST untuk mengetahui lingkungan politik, ekonomi, sosial, teknologi yang berpengaruh, SWOT untuk melihat peluang dan secepat mungkin meminimalisir ancaman, Portofolio McFarlan untuk memetakan aplikasi SI berdasarkan kontribusinya terhadap organisasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan perencanaan strategis SI/TI berupa strategi bisnis SI, strategi TI, strategi manajemen SI/TI, future application portofolio dan rencana implementasi dalam tiga tahun mendatang.



Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi; Ward and Peppard; Value Chain; Porter’s Five Force; SWOT


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