Model Aplikasi Sistem Pelayanan dan Pendaftaran Perkara Pada Pengadilan Agama Banjarbaru Dalam Mendukung Smart City Di Kalimantan Selatan
Kata kunci: Model sistem informasi, Layanan pendaftaran perkara, Pengadilan Agama,  Berbasis Web.                                            Â
Abstract. The process of submitting information and registering cases at the Banjarbaru Religious Court is still carried out offline, so it takes time in the registration process. This paper presents a model of a Web-based application system that can be used in providing information services and online case registration services, so that the service process becomes faster. The system development method follows the general stages in the Waterfall development model, using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Functional testing of the application system involves 10 respondents as system users in assessing whether the functionality features of the developed system have met user needs. The results of the functionality test show that the application system developed has met the functionality requirements based on a needs analysis, which can be used to present information and register cases quickly anytime and anywhere.
Keywords: Information system model, Case registration service, Religious Courts, Web-based.
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