ABSTRACT Development of education which has always been progressing rapidly in line K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (K-NN) is a method to perform the classification of objects based on the learning data that were located closest to the object. This method was chosen as the solution to classify the success of artificial insemination (AI) in cattle, where the algorithms on these methods will make it easier for officers or inseminator in use, then the purpose of this study is to minimize failure in the process of artificial insemination, and helping so terjadiya pregnancy successfully using KNearest Neighbor (K-NN). In this study using 50 samples of data that are used as training data entered at the time of testing, the algorithm method of K-NN will compare the value of each variable on the test data with the value of each variable on 50 pieces of training data, so get the distance of each data coached against lal test data are ranked and will automatically search for the nearest 5 distance from the training data. From the comparison of data pretest and posttest then obtained a percentage of the ability of the method to the results of the suitability of the data that is equal to 76%. Keywords: K-Nearest Neighbor, Artificial Insemination, Presentation Compliance Data.
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