Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manejemen Kinerja Wartawan Menggunakan Metode ERP

Dimas Suma Fember(1*),Mustaqiem Mustaqiem(2)
(1) Universitas Darwan Ali
(2) Universitas Darwan Ali
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i3.952


Processing and data access that still uses a manual system, causing the company management of PT. Sinar Harapan Digital is not effective in monitoring the performance of journalists. This study develops a news management information system model for the performance of journalists in an integrated manner, so that company management can more easily analyze the performance of journalists through automatic presentation of data. The Web-based system was developed using the concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), in order to enable sub-systems to be integrated automatically to achieve company management targets. The functional features developed are: manage news, manage reporters, manage journalist performance, and manage news features. The results of the black box test on functional features show that all functional features work validly.

Keywords: Journalist Performance; Manage News; Web-based; Blackbox Testing



Pengolahan serta akses data yang masih menggunakan sistem manual, menyebabkan manajemen perusahaan PT. Sinar Harapan Digital tidak efektif dalam melakukan pengawasan kinerja wartawan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model sistem informasi manajemen berita kinerja wartawan secara terintegrasi, sehingga manajemen perusahaan dapat lebih mudah menganalisis kinerja jurnalis melalui penyajian data secara otomatis. Sistem berbasis Web dikembangkan menggunakan konsep Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), agar memungkinkan sub-sub sistem dapat terintegrasi secara otomatis untuk suatu pencapaian target manajemen perusahaan. Fitur-fitur fungsional yang dikembangkan berupa: kelola berita, kelola reporter, kelola kinerja wartawan, serta fitur kelola berita. Hasil uji blackbox atas fitur-fitur fungsional menunjukkan seluruh fitur fungsional telah bekerja secara valid.


Kinerja Wartawan; Kelola Berita; Berbasis Web; Blackbox Testing


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