Sistem Rekomendasi Calon Pegawai Baru Berbasis Web Dengan Metode SAW Dan AHP

Yanuar Chistianto(1*),Theresia Dwiati Wismarini(2)
(1) Universitas Stikubank
(2) Universitas Stikubank
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.35889/jutisi.v11i3.873


The selection of new employees by HRD GSI CCTV Semarang is still done manually, causing the process to be slow and inaccurate. Making a Web-based Recommendation System Application for New Employee Candidates in this paper aims to help HRD management automatically calculate criteria and alternative weights, so that the process of selecting prospective employees is more accurate and faster. The reasoning base for the recommendation system application uses a combination of SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The AHP method determines the weight of each existing professional criteria, while SAW determines the priority or ranking of prospective employees calculated from the alternatives. The application system design uses the Unified Modeling Language tools, while the design implementation uses the PHP programming language and MySql database. Functional validation of application systems using blackbox testing. The results of the functional validation show that all the features of the recommendation system application for new prospective employees have been running validly. The AHP and SAW algorithms embedded in application programs as a basis for application reasoning have also worked validly.

Keywords: Simple Additive Weighting; Analytical Hierarchy Process; Criteria Weight; Alternative; Blackbox testing



Seleksi pegawai baru oleh HRD GSI CCTV Semarang yang masih dilakukan secara manual, menyebabkan proses lambat dan kurang akurat. Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Rekomendasi Calon Pegawai Baru berbasis Web dalam paper ini bertujuan untuk membantu manajemen HRD melakukan perhitungan bobot kriteria dan alternatif secara otomatis, sehingga proses penyeleksian calon pegawai lebih akurat dan lebih cepat. Basis Penalaran aplikasi sistem rekomendasi menggunakan gabungan SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Metode AHP sebagai penentu bobot setiap kriteria profesi yang ada, sedangkan SAW menentukan prioritas atau perankingan calon pegawai yang dihitung dari alternatif. Desain Sistem aplikasi menggunakan tools Unified Modelling Language, sedangkan implementasi desain menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySql. Validasi fungsional sistem aplikasi menggunakan Blackbox testing. Hasil validasi fungsional memperlihatkan semua fitur aplikasi sistem rekomendasi calon pegawai baru telah berjalan secara valid. Algoritma AHP dan SAW yang ditanamkan dalam program aplikasi sebagai basis penalaran aplikasi juga telah bekerja secara valid.


Simple Additive Weighting; Analytical Hierarchy Process; Bobot Kriteria; Alternatif; Blackbox testing


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