Rancangan Sistem Informasi Aktivitas Produksi Batubara Pada Perusahaan Titan Group
Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi, Aktivitas Produksi, Penambangan Batubara, Berbasis Web, Unified Modeling Language
Abstract. The use of conventional application systems in data processing, retrieval of data and information, as well as access and delivery of information to various parties related to the management of the Titan Group Coal Company causes the process to be inefficient. This paper presents a Web-based Information System model for managing data on coal production activities at TITAN Group Companies. Application system development follows the general stages in the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) model. The system design uses Object Oriented Design (OOD) with UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling tools, while the application construction uses the PHP programming language and MySql database. Focus Group Discussion method by involving representatives of parts within the company, both at the operational level and at the organizational managerial level in analyzing system requirements. The results of the needs analysis determine the functional features of the application in the form of features for processing, retrieval, and presenting information on coal getting, chauling, crushing, barging automatically and quickly, as well as being able to view records of every mining activity and coal stock in each area online.Keywords: Information Systems, Production Activities, Coal Mining, Web-Based, Unified Modeling Language
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