Penentuan Jalur Terdekat Angkutan Kelapa Sawit Berbasis Algoritma Dijkstra
Kata Kunci: Penentuan Jalur Terdekat, Armada angkutan Kelapa Sawit, Algoritma Dijkstra
Abstract. The number of alternative routes that can be traversed by the oil palm fruit transportation fleet from a Production Plantation Block to a Processing Plant at the Oil Palm Plantation Company PT. Pucuk Jaya, causing inefficiency in transportation travel time if you make a mistake in determining the closest route. This article presents an application model for determining the closest transportation route for transportation fleets to transport oil palm fruit from the production plantation block to the processing factory. The reasoning method used in the application is Dijkstra's algorithm. Ten Farm Blocks with various alternative paths available to the Processing Plant were tested in algorithm performance testing. The results of the algorithm performance test show that 30% of the path data tested are able to be reasoned by the algorithm according to the best recommendation path suggested by the factory management, while 70% of the other path data are able to be reasoned by the algorithm better than the best recommendation path suggested by the factory management.
Keywords: Determination of the Nearest Path, Oil Palm Transportation Fleet, Dijkstra's Algorithm
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