Abstrak. Raja Buana Motor adalah salah satu usaha yang bergerak dalam jasa penjualan produk-produk suku cadang luar sepeda motor yang terletak di Jl. Pasar Hewan Lama (Pancapan), Kelurahan Pelaihari, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. Pengolahan data pada Toko Raja Buana Motor menggunakan proses manual yaitu transaksi penjualan barang dicatat pada buku dan data pembelian barang dari pemasok hanya berupa kumpulan faktur/nota dari pemasok. Permasalahan yang ada pada Toko Raja Buana Motor ialah kurangnya informasi yang diketahui pembeli mengenai ketersediaan barang yang dijual sehingga pembeli harus datang langsung menanyakan ke Toko Raja Buana Motor. Rancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Suku Cadang Luar Motor adalah aplikasi yang dapat mempermudah proses pengelolaan data penjualan, serta mampu memberikan informasi kepada pelanggan berupa info produk-produk suku cadang. Proses jual-beli dapat diakses melalui situs website Raja Buana Motor. Dengan adanya fitur pre-order pelanggan dapat melakukan pemesanan barang. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian user acceptance diperoleh hasil rekapitulasi responden. Pada pengujian kualitas software sebanyak 65% mengatakan sangat setuju dan 35% mengatakan setuju. Pada pengujian kemanfaatan software sebanyak 11,8% cukup setuju, 39,6% setuju dan 48,6% sangat setuju. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat membantu dan mempermudah admin Raja Buana Motor ataupun pelanggan dalam kegiatan jual-beli suku cadang luar motor. Kata Kunci: Aplikasi Penjualan, Sistem Informasi, Suku Cadang Luar Motor
Abstract. Raja Buana Motor is one of the businesses engaged in the sale of spare parts products outside of motorbikes, which is located on “Jl. Pasar Hewan Lama (Pancapan)â€, Pelaihari Village, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. Data processing at the Raja Buana Motor Store uses a manual process, namely the sales transaction of goods is recorded in the book and data on purchases of goods from suppliers is only a collection of invoices / notes from the supplier. The problem with the Raja Buana Motor Store is the lack of information that buyers know about the availability of goods being sold, so buyers have to come directly to ask the Raja Buana Motor Store. Design of Information System for Sales of Spare Parts for Motorcycle is an application that can simplify the Application process of managing sales data, as well as being able to provide information to customers in the Form of information on spare parts products. The buying and selling process can be accessed through the Raja Buana Motor website. With the pre-order feature, customers can place orders for goods. Based on the results of the user acceptance test, the recapitulation of respondents was obtained. In software quality testing, 65% said they strongly agreed and 35% said they agreed. In testing the usefulness of the software, 11,8% quite agree, 39,6% agree and 48,6% strongly agree. From these results, it is concluded that this application can help and simplify the Raja Buana Motor admin or customers in buying and selling spare parts outside of motorbikes. Keyword: Sales Applications, Information Systems, Motorcycle Parts
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