ABSTRACT Decision Support System (SPK) as a computer-based system that helps in the process of decision making. Adaptive, interactive, flexible, which is specifically developed to help the solution of student problems in taking the final task in accordance with the ability in decision making. Lack of knowledge of students about their own skills so that the Student of Informatics Engineering Study Program takes research proposal not in accordance with its ability and will hamper the student. So to help the problem of this research using Weighted Product (WP) method to classify the ability of STMIK Informatics Engineering Program students Banjarbaru to assist the decision-making process. Criteria used for the Value Subject, Interest and Expertise Mahaswa STMIK Banjarbaru Studies Program.  Weighted Product (WP) method is one of decision support system method to assist grouping ability that will produce decision in the form of recommendation for STMIK Informatics Engineering student of Banjarbaru. The results of this study indicate that the Weighted Product (WP) method has a level of accuracy in testing with a value of 0.875 or 87.5%. Keyword : STMIK Banjarbaru, Decision Support System, Weighted Product
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